4  Manipulating data frames

4.1 Aims for today

  • Searching, sorting and selecting
  • Matching and merging data
  • Pipes - writing readable code
  • Wide and long format

4.2 Selecting columns

4.2.1 Selecting columns using square brackets

As you know, if we want the actual column as vector, we use the $ operator:

df <- data.frame(ara=1:5, bera=6:10, cora=11:15, dora=16:20)
df$ara # same as df[["ara"]]
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

Just a reminder: you don’t want to try to select a single column using square brackets (df[, 1]), because the behavior is different for data frames and tibbles. Better use df$a or df[["a"]].

We will now discuss selecting and searching for more than one column. Quite often, you want to select only some columns from a data set, or maybe you want to change their order. As you learned on Day 2, you can select columns from a data frame using vectors. This is very similar to how you select elements from a matrix, or even a vector. You can use integers, negative integers, or column names.

# select columns 1 to 2
df2 <- df[ , 1:2]

# select anything but column 2
df2 <- df[ , -2]

# select all columns in reverse order
df2 <- df[ , ncol(df):1]

# select columns ara and cora
df2 <- df[ , c("ara", "cora")]

# select all columns ara and cora, but in reverse order
df2 <- df[ , c("cora", "ara")]

This is very similar to what we did when dealing with matrices, and actually similar to how we select elements from a vector. Note, however, that rather than using 4:1 in the line 8 above, we use ncol(df):1. This ensures that if data frame grows for some reason, we still get all the columns.

4.2.2 Selecting columns using tidyverse

Tidyverse has the select() function, which is a bit more explicit and readable. Most importantly, it also has extra features that make it easier to work with.

# select columns ara and cora
df2 <- select(df, ara, cora)

# select columns ara to cora
df2 <- select(df, ara:cora)

# select anything but column bera
df2 <- select(df, -bera)

Can you spot what is weird about the code above? Exactly! There are no quotes around the column names. One would expect that R should throw an error – after all, there is no variable “ara” defined yet. However, this is an extra feature of tidyverse. It can be confusing at first, but you will soon get to like it.

What’s more, you see the constructs like ara:cora or -bera. In the base R, ara:cora means “look up variables ara and cora and return all integers between these two values”. In Tidyverse, that means “select all columns from ara to cora”. Similarly, -bera means “select all columns except bera”. This is called tidy evaluation and it works only with some tidyverse functions.

Tidy evaluation

Tidy evaluation only works with tidyverse functions!

Another nice feature of select() is that you can use the a few specialized helper functions, saving you tedious regular expression and column searches. For example, how would you select for columns that end with a particular suffix? This is a common enough task in data science – many clinical data sets have hundreds of columns and a systematic way of naming them, thus allowing to search for example all columns related to laboratory diagnostics. This can easily be done with the ends_with() function:

df2 <- select(df, ends_with("ora"))
[1] "cora" "dora"

There are many more such functions, like starts_with(), contains(), matches(), one_of(), everything() and even last_col() (for selecting the last column). You can find them all in the help page for select().

Other tidy selection functions
To quote or not to quote?

The fact that you don’t use quotes around column names in tidyverse is confusing for many. As a rule of thumb, at this stage you should use quotes around column names, unless:

  • you are using $ operator (e.g. df$ara)
  • you are using select(), mutate() or filter() from tidyverse
  • you are using another tidyverse function that uses tidy evaluation (look up the help page if unsure)

Once you start to program your own functions, the tidy evaluation will be an additional source of confusion, but burn that bridge when you get to it.

4.2.3 Renaming columns

The select function has one more useful feature: you can directly rename the variables in the same call.

df2 <- select(df, Alpha=ara, Gamma=cora)
[1] "Alpha" "Gamma"

However, there is another function which can be used for renaming specific columns, aptly named rename()1. The way its syntax works it is well suitable for working with pipes (see below), and is a great deal easier than renaming the columns using colnames().


1 Unfortunately, there are many functions in R that are named rename(). Someone should really rename them (badum-tss).

df2 <- rename(df, Alpha=ara, Gamma=cora)
[1] "Alpha" "bera"  "Gamma" "dora" 

As you can see, no selection was made here, only renaming. Again, no quotes are needed around the column names.

Exercise 4.1  

  • Read the file ‘Datasets/transcriptomics_results.csv’
  • What columns are in the file?
  • Select only the columns ‘GeneName’, ‘Description’, ‘logFC.F.D1’ and ‘qval.F.D1’
  • Rename the columns to ‘Gene’, ‘Description’, ‘LFC’ and ‘FDR’


4.3 Sorting and ordering

4.3.1 Sorting and ordering vectors

Before we jump to sorting, filtering and ordering data frames, we should first discuss these operations on vectors. This is important, because although data frames can easily be sorted with functions such as arrange() from tidyverse, you will have situations in which you need to sort a vector, a list or another data type. Secondly, understanding the concepts of ordering will aid you also with your work with data frames.

The basic R function for sorting is, appropriately, sort(). It is as simple as it gets:

vec <- round(rnorm(10), 2)
 [1] -1.80 -1.07  0.36 -1.37  2.71 -0.62 -0.78  0.91  0.68 -0.38
 [1] -1.80 -1.37 -1.07 -0.78 -0.62 -0.38  0.36  0.68  0.91  2.71
sort(vec, decreasing=TRUE)
 [1]  2.71  0.91  0.68  0.36 -0.38 -0.62 -0.78 -1.07 -1.37 -1.80

The rnorm() function generates a vector of random numbers from a normal distribution (you met it on Day 2). The round() function with parameter 2 rounds the numbers to two decimal places. The sort() with the decreasing=TRUE argument sorts the vector in descending order.

Amazingly, it is hardly ever used. Mostly we need the order() function. Rather than returning the sorted vector, it returns the indices of the sorted vector:

ord <- order(vec)
 [1]  1  4  2  7  6 10  3  9  8  5

So, what does that mean? Take the first element of ord. It is 1. This means that the first value to appear in the sorted vector should be the element number 1 of the original vector, which is -1.8 and the smallest number in vec (check it!). Likewise, the second element of ord is 4, which points to -1.37, the second smallest element of vec.

So what happens if we use the vector ord to select element from the vector vec? We get the sorted vector, that’s what:

 [1] -1.80 -1.37 -1.07 -0.78 -0.62 -0.38  0.36  0.68  0.91  2.71

Exercise 4.2 (Reverse sorting) How can you get the reverse order vector for vec?

4.3.2 Sorting character vectors

We can also sort character vectors, but the behavior might not be exactly what you expect. Take a look:

Sorting character vectors
chvec <- c("b", "a", "Zorro", "10", "Anton", "A", "2", "100", "zxy")
[1] "10"    "100"   "2"     "a"     "A"     "Anton" "b"     "Zorro" "zxy"  

OK, so what happened here? The sort() function sorts the vector in lexicographical order – just like you sort words in a dictionary (or, in the olden days, in a phone book). For the most part that seems quite intuitive, however take a look at the numbers: 100 comes before 2.

Lexicographical order means that the words are sorted first by first letter, then by second etc. So a word starting with a 1 always comes before a word starting with a 2, even if it means a number that is larger than 2.

This has one important implication for all of us who work with data. Identifiers, especially sample and patient identifiers are quite often a combination of letters and numbers, e.g. ID1 or Patient10. This can cause problems when sorting, as ID10 will come before ID2:

chvec <- c("ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4", "ID10", "ID20", "ID100")
[1] "ID1"   "ID10"  "ID100" "ID2"   "ID20"  "ID3"   "ID4"  

There are several solutions for that, but here is one with the tools that you already know. First, we will extract the numbers from the strings, then we will sort the vector based on these numbers:

# extract numbers
chvec_n <- str_replace_all(chvec, "ID", "")

# convert to numeric
chvec_n <- as.numeric(chvec_n)

# get the order
ord <- order(chvec_n)

# sort the original vector
[1] "ID1"   "ID2"   "ID3"   "ID4"   "ID10"  "ID20"  "ID100"

Exercise 4.3 (Sorting by last name) Here is a vector of names. Can you think of how to sort it by last name?

persons <- c("Henry Fonda", "Bob Marley", "Robert F. Kennedy", 
  "Bob Dylan", "Alan Rickman")


4.3.3 Sorting data frames with order()

By now it should be clear that you can use this method to order data from data frames (or matrices, or other data types). We will show it on example of the transcriptomics_results.csv file that you have read in the Exercise 4.1. I assume that you have read the file and selected the columns with something like this:

tr_res <- read_csv("Datasets/transcriptomics_results.csv")
tr_res <- select(tr_res, 
                 Gene=GeneName, Description,
                 logFC=logFC.F.D1, FDR=qval.F.D1)

The transcriptomics data set comes from a vaccine study (Weiner et al. 2019) and show the changes in gene expression after vaccination with a particular adjuvanted fluad vaccine. logFC stands for log fold change, and FDR is the false discovery rate (resulting from raw p-values being corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure). We will sort the data frame by decreasing logFC:

ord <- order(tr_res$logFC, decreasing=TRUE)
head(tr_res[ord, ])
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  Gene     Description                                            logFC      FDR
  <chr>    <chr>                                                  <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Q5D1D6   tc|Q5D1D6_CERAE (Q5D1D6) Guanylate binding protein 1,…  4.85 1.80e-14
2 ANKRD22  ref|Homo sapiens ankyrin repeat domain 22 (ANKRD22), …  4.81 5.55e-15
3 ETV7     ref|Homo sapiens ets variant 7 (ETV7), transcript var…  4.65 2.53e-15
4 SERPING1 ref|Homo sapiens serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G …  4.52 5.95e-16
5 CXCL10   ref|Homo sapiens chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 (C…  4.38 1.51e-10
6 GBP1P1   ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding protein 1, interfe…  4.11 2.33e-17

Exercise 4.4 (Sorting data frames with order())  

  • Sort the data frame tr_res by increasing FDR
  • Sort the data frame alphabetically by Gene

4.3.4 Sorting data frames with tidyverse

Tidyverse makes it simple to sort the data frames with the arrange() function:

tr_res <- arrange(tr_res, desc(logFC))
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  Gene     Description                                            logFC      FDR
  <chr>    <chr>                                                  <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Q5D1D6   tc|Q5D1D6_CERAE (Q5D1D6) Guanylate binding protein 1,…  4.85 1.80e-14
2 ANKRD22  ref|Homo sapiens ankyrin repeat domain 22 (ANKRD22), …  4.81 5.55e-15
3 ETV7     ref|Homo sapiens ets variant 7 (ETV7), transcript var…  4.65 2.53e-15
4 SERPING1 ref|Homo sapiens serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G …  4.52 5.95e-16
5 CXCL10   ref|Homo sapiens chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 (C…  4.38 1.51e-10
6 GBP1P1   ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding protein 1, interfe…  4.11 2.33e-17

Note the use of desc() function – rather than specifying an argument like decreasing=TRUE.


Using arrange(), it is easy to sort by multiple columns:

tr_res <- arrange(tr_res, logFC, FDR)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  Gene            Description                                      logFC     FDR
  <chr>           <chr>                                            <dbl>   <dbl>
1 DSC1            ref|Homo sapiens desmocollin 1 (DSC1), transcri… -1.97 3.33e-4
2 XLOC_010084     tc|Q6FUE3_CANGA (Q6FUE3) Similarity, partial (1… -1.76 7.59e-3
3 LRRC69          ref|Homo sapiens leucine rich repeat containing… -1.68 5.06e-2
4 ZMAT4           ref|Homo sapiens zinc finger, matrin-type 4 (ZM… -1.67 4.61e-2
5 PCSK6           ref|Homo sapiens proprotein convertase subtilis… -1.63 3.13e-2
6 ENST00000456460 Unknown                                          -1.59 2.53e-2

It is also allowed to use the expressions like logFC * FDR to sort by the sum of the two columns (that doesn’t make much sense in this context, but you get the idea):

tr_res <- arrange(tr_res, logFC * FDR)


Exercise 4.5 (Sorting data frames with arrange()) The abs() function returns the absolute value of a number, for example abs(c(-3, 7)) returns 3, 7. Use the arrange() function to sort the data frame tr_res by the decreasing absolute value of logFC.

4.4 Modifying and filtering data frames in tidyverse

4.4.1 Modifying with mutate()

Yesteday we have been busy cleaning up data sets. To modify the columns of the data frame, we have been using simple assignment. This works, but there is another method in tidyverse. Just like with regular assignments, the mutate() function allows both, creating new columns and modifying existing ones.


Below we create a new column logFC_abs which contains the absolute value of the logFC column:

tr_res <- mutate(tr_res, logFC_abs = abs(logFC))

Arguably, this is not much simpler than using simple assignment:

tr_res$logFC_abs <- abs(tr_res$logFC)

The main difference, as you see, is that mutate() operates on data frames – it takes a data frame as the first argument and returns a data frame. The advantages will be obvious later, when you start to use pipes (see below).

4.4.2 Using ifelse() with mutate()

Say, you would like to create a new column that contains “up” for genes that are upregulated (i.e. logFC >= 0) and “down” for genes that are downregulated (i.e. logFC < 0). We could do it with simple assignment and logical vectors:

# default value
tr_res$direction <- "up"

# create logical vector
negative <- tr_res$logFC < 0

# change "up" to "down" where logFC < 0
tr_res$direction[negative] <- "down"

However, this is a frequent operation and a much more convenient way exists. It is often used in combination with mutate, although it also can work in a normal assignment:

tr_res <- mutate(tr_res, 
                 direction = ifelse(logFC < 0, "down", "up"))

The ifelse() function takes three arguments: a logical vector, a value to return if the logical vector is TRUE, and a value to return if the logical vector is FALSE. In other words, it “converts” a logical vector replacing TRUE with the second argument and FALSE with the third.

4.4.3 Filtering with logical vectors and filter()

As you have learned, you can filter data frames using logical vectors. This is relatively straightforward. For example, we might want to create a table with only genes that are significant, that is have an FDR < 0.05:

small_fdr <- tr_res$FDR < 0.05
significant <- tr_res[small_fdr, ]

If you use nrow(significant), you will find that there are 1478 significant genes in the data set.

The same can be achieved using the filter() function from tidyverse:

significant <- filter(tr_res, FDR < 0.05)

Simlarly, we can use the str_detect() function (which you learned about yesterday) to select only genes that contain the word “interferon” in the description:

interferon <- filter(tr_res, 
                     str_detect(Description, "interferon"))

There are 80 such genes.

But what if we want to set two conditions? In statistics it is common to set a threshold not only for the p-value or FDR, but also for an effect size. In our case, the measure of the effect size is the log2 fold change. Thus, we might want to select only genes that are at leas 2-fold upregulated or down-regulated. Twofold upregulation corresponds to log2-fold change greater than 1, and 2-fold downregulation corresponds to log2-fold change less than -1.

One way is to use filter() with two parameters:

significant <- filter(tr_res, FDR < 0.05, abs(logFC) > 1)

However, there is a more elegant and versatile way. We can achieve the same effect by combining two logical vectors with the & operator:

& (logical operator)
large_fc <- abs(tr_res$logFC) > 1
significant <- tr_res[small_fdr & large_fc, ]

Or, in tidyverse,

significant <- filter(tr_res, FDR < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)

The & operator is the logical AND operator. It combines two logical vectors, returning (at the given position) TRUE only if both vectors are TRUE. Take a look:

vec1 & vec2

At the first position both vectors are TRUE, so the result is TRUE. At position 2, the first vector is TRUE and the second is FALSE, so the result is FALSE. And so on. Try it.

Exercise 4.6 (Logical vectors)  

  • Create a logical vector that selects genes that are both significant (FDR < 0.05) and contain the string “interferon” in the Description. How many are there? How many genes are significant and do not contain “interferon” in the Description column?
  • How many of the genes containing “interferon” in the Description are are guanylate binding proteins? You can recognize the GBPs by their Gene symbol – it starts with “GBP”. (Solution) gical

4.4.4 Using the %in% operator

Another useful utility in searching data frames is the %in% operator. It compares two vectors; for each element of the first vector, it returns TRUE if that element is in the second vector, and FALSE otherwise.

vec1 <- c("a", "b", "c")
vec2 <- c("a", "b", "x", "y", "z")
vec1 %in% vec2

The elements 1, of the result are TRUE, because both a and b are in vec2. The last element, however, is FALSE, because c is not in vec2.

With %in% we can for example select a specified subset of genes that we are interested in.

genes <- c("GBP1", "GBP2", "GBP3", "GBP4", "GBP5", "ANKRD22")
filter(tr_res, Gene %in% genes)
# A tibble: 7 × 6
  Gene    Description                         logFC      FDR logFC_abs direction
  <chr>   <chr>                               <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    
1 GBP4    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  2.25 2.59e-21      2.25 up       
2 GBP5    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  2.92 1.39e-20      2.92 up       
3 GBP3    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  2.63 1.62e-15      2.63 up       
4 ANKRD22 ref|Homo sapiens ankyrin repeat do…  4.81 5.55e-15      4.81 up       
5 GBP2    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  1.8  1.17e-13      1.8  up       
6 GBP1    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  2.76 7.38e-12      2.76 up       
7 GBP3    ref|Homo sapiens guanylate binding…  1.27 3.40e- 3      1.27 up       

Exercise 4.7 Which of these genes are significant? Use the & operator to combine the result from %in% with the result of FDR < 0.05.

4.5 Combining data sets

4.5.1 Binding data frames with rbind() and removing duplicates

The simplest way to combine two data frames is to bind them. This can be done horizontally (when you have the same number of observations – rows) or vertically, by stacking them on top of each other, when you have the same columns. The two functions are, respectively, cbind() and rbind(), and they work for both, matrices and data frames.

Let’s start with stacking them on top of each other. For example, we might have generated two data frames with interesting results: one with interferones and the other with guanylate binding proteins, and at some point we decide to have them in one data frame. Stacking them can be done with the rbind() (“row bind”) function:

interferon <- filter(tr_res, 
                     str_detect(Description, "interferon"))
gbp <- filter(tr_res,
              str_detect(Gene, "GBP"))
results <- rbind(interferon, gbp)

Note that this works only if the data frames have the same columns. If you were to try to bind two data frames with different columns, you would get an error:

a <- data.frame(a=1:5, b=6:10)
b <- data.frame(a=11:15, c=16:20)
rbind(a, b)
Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)): names do not match previous names

OK, but if you have checked the interferon and gbp data frames, you would have noticed that there are some genes that are both interferones and guanylate binding proteins. You did not check, because I haven’t told you yet how to do it. Here is how:

intersect(interferon$Gene, gbp$Gene)
[1] "GBP1P1" "GBP2"   "GBP1"  

The intersect() function returns the elements that are common to two vectors. As you can see, there are three: GBP1P1, GBP2 and GBP1. We can get rid of them from the results table thanks to the function duplicated(). For every element of a vector, duplicated() returns TRUE if the element occured previously in the vector. So for the vector c(1, 2, 1) the result will be FALSE, FALSE, TRUE - because the second 1 is duplicated.


To remove the elements which are duplicated, however, we need to use the negation – ! to get TRUE for every element which is not duplicated. Here it is in action:

# count the number of the duplicated results
[1] 19
# number of rows before removing dups
[1] 96
# remove duplicates
results <- filter(results, !duplicated(Gene))

# how many are left?
[1] 77

Exercise 4.8 You might have been expecting that there are only three duplicates; after all, only four genes were in common between interferon and gbp- So where do these other duplicates come from? What are they?

4.5.2 Binding data frames with cbind()

Combining data frames (or matrices) horizontally is much easier, because you do not have to worry about column names. You just need to make sure that the number of rows is identical2.

2 Strictly speaking, the recycling rules apply. See Day 1. This can be sometimes useful, but usually it is better to be more explicit.

df1 <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b=11:14)
df2 <- data.frame(c=21:24)
cbind(df1, df2)
  a  b  c
1 1 11 21
2 2 12 22
3 3 13 23
4 4 14 24

We will use cbind() tomorrow when running a principal component analysis (PCA).

4.5.3 Merging data sets

Quite often you will have to merge two data sets. For example, you might have one Excel file containing the covariates for the patients (like BMI, age, gender etc.) and another file containing the gene expression data. Both data frames must have some identifiers present that allow us to match the two data frames.

This is not a simple binding operation, because you do not have the guarantee that (a) the identifiers between these two data sets are in the same order or even that (b) both data frames have exactly the same sets of identifiers. Actually, the reverse is more common that not.

In order to merge two data frames we need first to identify by what to merge them. In the code below we will concoct two data frames that share some of the identifiers.

ids_x <- paste0("ID", sample(1:8, 6))
df_x <- data.frame(ID=ids_x, val_x=rnorm(6))
   ID      val_x
1 ID2  1.7048224
2 ID1  1.5904112
3 ID7 -0.4171016
4 ID4 -0.4239216
5 ID6 -0.2676912
6 ID3  0.2123406
ids_y <- paste0("ID", sample(1:8, 6))
df_y <- data.frame(ID=ids_y, val_y=rnorm(6, 10, 1))
   ID     val_y
1 ID7 11.280550
2 ID8  9.015059
3 ID5  8.643646
4 ID4  9.692819
5 ID1  8.664100
6 ID6  9.253125
intersect(ids_x, ids_y)
[1] "ID1" "ID7" "ID4" "ID6"


The sample() function is very useful – it generates a random sample by choosing elements from a vector. This is what is called sampling and comes in handy in many situations. Here we use it to create two sets of IDs that are similar, but not identical. As you can see from the output of intersect(), only 4 elements out of the total 6 are common between the two data frames.

Merging can be done either with the base R function merge(), or with corresponding *_join functions from the tidyverse. Whether you prefer one or the other is a matter of preference; I like merge() and we will be using it in the examples below.

Inner join, full join

First, however, let us think how we want to merge, or, more specifically, what to do with the identifiers that are present in one data frame, but not in the other? That depends only on what we want to achieve. Possibly we are not interested in any elements that are not present in both data frames. This is what is called in database lingo an inner join Alternatively, we might want to keep all possible elements, whether they are found in df_x or df_y only. This is called an full join.

# inner join by ID
joined <- merge(df_x, df_y, by="ID")
   ID      val_x     val_y
1 ID1  1.5904112  8.664100
2 ID4 -0.4239216  9.692819
3 ID6 -0.2676912  9.253125
4 ID7 -0.4171016 11.280550
# full join by ID
joined <- merge(df_x, df_y, by="ID", all=TRUE)
   ID      val_x     val_y
1 ID1  1.5904112  8.664100
2 ID2  1.7048224        NA
3 ID3  0.2123406        NA
4 ID4 -0.4239216  9.692819
5 ID5         NA  8.643646
6 ID6 -0.2676912  9.253125
7 ID7 -0.4171016 11.280550
8 ID8         NA  9.015059

As you can see, in the first case there are just 4 rows – as many as there are common elements between the ID columns of the two data frames. In the second case, we get all 8 possible IDs. Where the ID was present in one, but not the other data frame, the values were filled up with NA’s. To get the full join we used the parameter all=TRUE, standing for “use all IDs”.

Note: it is possible to omit the by= parameter specifying by what column to join the data frames. However, do yourself a favor and always specify the column to join on explicitely.

Left join, right join

There are two more situations, allthough less common in practice. We might want to keep all elements of df_x, but discard any elements of df_y which are not present in df_x. This is called a left join. Or, vice versa, we will discard only these elements which are present in df_x, but not in df_y. This is called, you guessed it, a right join.

# left join by ID
joined <- merge(df_x, df_y, by="ID", all.x = TRUE)
   ID      val_x     val_y
1 ID1  1.5904112  8.664100
2 ID2  1.7048224        NA
3 ID3  0.2123406        NA
4 ID4 -0.4239216  9.692819
5 ID6 -0.2676912  9.253125
6 ID7 -0.4171016 11.280550
# right join by ID
joined <- merge(df_x, df_y, by="ID", all.y = TRUE)
   ID      val_x     val_y
1 ID1  1.5904112  8.664100
2 ID4 -0.4239216  9.692819
3 ID5         NA  8.643646
4 ID6 -0.2676912  9.253125
5 ID7 -0.4171016 11.280550
6 ID8         NA  9.015059

As you can see, in case of the left join, there are missing values in the right column only, and in case of the right join – only in the left column.

Let us summarize it in a table:

Type of join all x all y merge options tidyverse alternative
inner join FALSE FALSE merge(x, y) inner_join(x, y)
left join TRUE FALSE merge(x, y, all.x=TRUE) left_join(x, y)
right join FALSE TRUE merge(x, y, all.y=TRUE) right_join(x, y)
full join TRUE TRUE merge(x, y, all=TRUE) full_join(x, y)

You don’t have to remember the names (inner, left, right, full) – just remember the principle: sometimes you need the common elements, sometimes you need all elements, and sometimes you need all elements from x or y only.

Different identifier column names. There is one other thing that you should know, because it happens quite often. The two data frames might have identifiers in columns that have different names, for example ID in one and PatientID in the other. You can, of course, rename the columns, but you can also specify the columns to join on explicitly:

merge() with different column names
df_x <- data.frame(ID=ids_x, val_x=rnorm(6))
df_y <- data.frame(PatientID=ids_y, val_y=rnorm(6, 10, 1))

# inner join by ID
joined <- merge(df_x, df_y, by.x="ID", by.y="PatientID")

The resulting data frame has the identifiers in the column name specified in the “x” data frame, that is – in this case – in the ID column.

4.5.4 Complex merges

The situation above is quite trivial. In real world, unfortunately, the situations can be quite complex.

First, there can be duplicates. For example, one data frame contains the meta data on a group of lab animals, while the second contains the results of the experiments at two time points. This is not a problematic situation, but you should understand what happens here:

meta_data <- data.frame(ID=paste0("ID", 1:4),
                        age=sample(1:3, 4, replace=TRUE),
                        group=rep(c("control", "treated"), each=2))
   ID age   group
1 ID1   3 control
2 ID2   3 control
3 ID3   2 treated
4 ID4   3 treated
crp <- data.frame(ID=rep(paste0("ID", 1:4), each=2),
                           time=rep(c("day1", "day2"), 4),
   ID time        CRP
1 ID1 day1 -0.4846666
2 ID1 day2 -0.6636667
3 ID2 day1 -1.4137129
4 ID2 day2 -0.6303288
5 ID3 day1 -0.8033348
6 ID3 day2 -1.9149888
7 ID4 day1 -1.0201037
8 ID4 day2 -1.0234702
merged_data <- merge(meta_data, crp, by="ID")
   ID age   group time        CRP
1 ID1   3 control day1 -0.4846666
2 ID1   3 control day2 -0.6636667
3 ID2   3 control day1 -1.4137129
4 ID2   3 control day2 -0.6303288
5 ID3   2 treated day1 -0.8033348
6 ID3   2 treated day2 -1.9149888
7 ID4   3 treated day1 -1.0201037
8 ID4   3 treated day2 -1.0234702

As you can see, each line in the meta_data data frame is duplicated to fill up the information matching the ID in the crp data frame.

However, chances are the situation is more complex. Imagine that apart from the above measurements, you have another set of measurements, say, of the albumin (ALB) levels. You would like to merge the two data frames. Naturally, you expect that you will get a data frame with 8 rows. The following will not work as expected:

albumin <- data.frame(ID=rep(paste0("ID", 1:4), each=2),
                      time=rep(c("day1", "day2"), 4),

# incorrect code!!!
crp_alb <- merge(crp, albumin, by="ID")
    ID time.x        CRP time.y         ALB
1  ID1   day1 -0.4846666   day1 -0.06873448
2  ID1   day1 -0.4846666   day2 -1.27067800
3  ID1   day2 -0.6636667   day1 -0.06873448
4  ID1   day2 -0.6636667   day2 -1.27067800
5  ID2   day1 -1.4137129   day1  1.08118817
6  ID2   day1 -1.4137129   day2  1.68787073
7  ID2   day2 -0.6303288   day1  1.08118817
8  ID2   day2 -0.6303288   day2  1.68787073
9  ID3   day1 -0.8033348   day1  1.24707369
10 ID3   day1 -0.8033348   day2  0.45701053
11 ID3   day2 -1.9149888   day1  1.24707369
12 ID3   day2 -1.9149888   day2  0.45701053
13 ID4   day1 -1.0201037   day1  0.01070169
14 ID4   day1 -1.0201037   day2 -0.70647151
15 ID4   day2 -1.0234702   day1  0.01070169
16 ID4   day2 -1.0234702   day2 -0.70647151

Uh-oh, what happened here?

You see, the problem is that the merge() function merges the data frames by the column ID, but it does not take into account the time column. Since it observes that ID’s are duplicated in both data frames, it creates all possible pairs of the rows: CRP from day1 with ALB day2; but also CRP from day1 and ALB from day1, CRP from day2 and ALB from day1 and so on. For each identifier. That is why we are getting 4 (and not 2) rows for each identifier.

This is a common problem, and the solution is to merge by more than one identifier. The important question is: what combination of identifiers uniquely identifies a row in the data frame? In our case, it is the combination of ID and time. We can specify that in the by= parameter:

Merging by more than one ID
crp_alb <- merge(crp, albumin, by=c("ID", "time"))
   ID time        CRP         ALB
1 ID1 day1 -0.4846666 -0.06873448
2 ID1 day2 -0.6636667 -1.27067800
3 ID2 day1 -1.4137129  1.08118817
4 ID2 day2 -0.6303288  1.68787073
5 ID3 day1 -0.8033348  1.24707369
6 ID3 day2 -1.9149888  0.45701053
7 ID4 day1 -1.0201037  0.01070169
8 ID4 day2 -1.0234702 -0.70647151

4.5.5 Bringing it all together

We are now coming to the final exercise in this section. This exercise is based on data from the vaccination study (Weiner et al. 2019). One file contains meta-data for the samples used in transcriptomic analysis – it only includes the subjects and time points for which the gene expression data is present. The other file is quite large and contains the results of several laboratory tests taken for many patients at many time points.

Note that the data is not real, just based on real data.

Exercise 4.9 (Merging large data sets) The files expression_data_vaccination_example.xlsx and labresults_full.csv contain data from the same study. The first contains some meta-data for samples for which gene expression has been measured, and the latter contains the results of laboratory tests for many patients in the trial. The goal here is to connect the RNA expression data with the laboratory values, so that one can analyze the relationship between the expression of certain genes and, say, the observed levels of inflammation.

  1. Read CSV file and the first sheet (“targets”) from the XLSX file.
  2. Which columns contain the ID the subjects? Are there any subjects in common? (Hint: use the intersect() function)
  3. What other columns are common between the two data frames? Is the column with the ID of the subject sufficient to identify each row?
  4. We are interested only in the following information: SUBJ, ARM (group), time point, sex, age, test name and the actual measurement. Are the measurements numeric? Remember, you can use expressions like [ , c("ARM", "sex") ] or select(df, ARM, sex) to select the desired columns from a data set.
  5. Use the subjects and / or other information to merge the two data frames however you see fit. Note that there are multiple time points per subject and multiple measurements per subject and time point.

See Solution

4.6 Pipes in R

4.6.1 Too many parentheses

Remember how functions work? Each function takes some arguments and returns a value. And we can use that value to plug in back into another function. This allows us to write terse code, for example:

vec <- c(1, NA, 3, 10)
[1] 2

This is quite easy to understand. Unfortunately, this can quickly become unreadable. Let us consider cleaning up the data from yesterday. We can do it one by one, like this:

iris_data <- read_csv("Datasets/iris.csv")
iris_data <- clean_names(iris_data)
iris_data$species <- tolower(iris_data$species)
iris_data$petal_length <- str_replace_all(iris_data$petal_length ,"[^0-9.]", "") 
iris_data$petal_length <- as.numeric(iris_data$petal_length)
iris_data$sepal_length <- str_replace_all(iris_data$sepal_length, ",", ".")
iris_data$sepal_length <- str_replace_all(iris_data$sepal_length ,"> ", "") 
iris_data$sepal_length <- as.numeric(iris_data$sepal_length)

That is a lot of code. However, we could do it all on one line:

iris_data <- 
  petal_length = as.numeric(
  str_replace_all(petal_length, "[^0-9.]", ""))),
  sepal_length = as.numeric(str_replace_all(
  str_replace_all(sepal_length, ",", "."), "> ", ""))),
  species = tolower(species))

If you spend some time deciphering this, you will see that it does precisely the same operations as the previous code fragment. However, it is completely unreadable and unmaintainable3.

3 I got a headache just trying to figure out the correct number of parentheses in this code.

4.6.2 Pipes

Fortunately, there is a dirty trick that results in clean and readable code: the pipe operator |> (pronounced “pipe”; in older code you might see “%>%” instead4).

Pipe operator |>

4 The idea of the pipe operator was popularized by the magrittr package, which is a part of Tidyverse, as %>%. R users found it so cool that with R version 4.1.0, the pipe operator |> was included in the base R. There are some differences between |> and %>%, but for our purposes, they are equivalent.

Pipe operator allows for writing very clean, very convenient and very readable code. The basic idea behind the pipe operator is as follows: a |> f(b) is the same as f(a, b). We can say it pipes the value of a to the function f. And if a is already the result of a function, say g(a), then g(a) |> f(b) is the same as f(g(a), b). We build a pipe from the output of g() to the input of f().

So, for example, the following two lines are equivalent:

vec <- c(1, NA, 3, 10)
[1]  1 NA  3 10
vec |> as.numeric()
[1]  1 NA  3 10

Pipe takes whatever is on its left side and inserts it in the parentheses of the function on its right side. Now think for a moment what it does to constructs like f1(f2(f3(f4(f5(x))))). Now compare this:

[1] 2
vec |> as.numeric() |> is.na() |> which()
[1] 2

The two lines are equivalent. However, the latter is much more readable: it shows how the value goes into as.numeric(), then the output of as.numeric() goes into is.na(), and the resulting logical vector goes into which().

See how that works for our iris dataset:

iris_data <- read_csv("Datasets/iris.csv") |>
        clean_names() |>
        mutate(species = tolower(species)) |>
        mutate(petal_length = str_replace_all(petal_length ,"[^0-9.]", "")) |>
        mutate(petal_length = as.numeric(petal_length)) |>
        mutate(sepal_length = str_replace_all(sepal_length, ",", ".")) |>
        mutate(sepal_length = str_replace_all(sepal_length ,"> ", "")) |>
        mutate(sepal_length = as.numeric(sepal_length))

It is just as clear and readable as the first example, but with some additional benefits.

First, think what happens if you want to change the name of the variable, say, from iris_data to flowers. In the first example, you would have to change every single occurence of iris_data to flowers. Sure, it would not be all too bad if you can do it automatically with a search-and-replace, but what if the variable name was a?

Second, the pipe facilitates development. You build a pipe line by line, and each time you execute the code, all operations are repeated. This is a good thing – you avoid the situation where you forget to execute one line and the code does not work.

There is an alternative to the above code which uses pipes, but not all on the same line:

iris_data <- read_csv("Datasets/iris.csv") |>
        clean_names() |>
        mutate(species = tolower(species))

iris_data$petal_length <- iris_data$petal_length |> 
        str_replace_all("[^0-9.]", "") |>

iris_data$sepal_length <- iris_data$sepal_length |>
        str_replace_all(",", ".") |>
        str_replace_all("> ", "") |>

Whether you prefer this one or the previous is a matter of both, taste and context. The second is more appropriate if for each column you have to do a lot of manipulations.

One limitation is that in the form that is used here5, the value passed on from function to function is always the first argument. This is why we are doing the substitutions with the Tidyverse function str_replace_all() (which takes the character vector as the first argument) rather than the base R function gsub() (which takes the pattern as the first argument).

5 This limitation can be circumvented either by using only named arguments, or by using a placeholder, _. See here for an explanation.

Exercise 4.10 (Botched meta data) Go back to the code that you have used yesterday for cleaning up the dataset from file meta_data_botched.xlsx. Use pipes to make it more readable.

4.7 Review

Things that you learned today:

  • Selecting columns in data frames:
    • using square brackets
    • using select() from tidyverse
    • tidy evaluation
    • renaming columns with rename()
  • Sorting, ordering, filtering
    • sort() to sort a vector
    • order() to get the order of a vector
    • order() to sort a data frame
    • arrange() from tidyverse to sort a data frame
    • filtering with logical vectors
    • filtering with filter() from tidyverse
    • handling duplicates with duplicated()
    • combining logical vectors with &
    • using %in% operator
  • Merging data frames
    • rbind() and cbind()
    • merge() inner, left, right and full joins
    • merging by more than one column
  • Pipes in R
    • using |> operator
    • building pipelines
  • Other
    • using rnorm() to generate random numbers
    • using round() to round numbers
    • sample() for generating random samples